Friday, April 2, 2010

How to spot a Printosaurus

As most of us know, the advertising world has changed forever. The explosive rise of the Internet and social networks has made sure of that. But despite the obvious transformations taking place in our industry, many ad guys still live in denial, convinced the Internet is a fad and newspapers will make a spectacular comeback. I like to call this breed of people Printosaurus (a term invented by my Regional Head of Art, Joel Clement).

A Printosaurus is easy to spot, especially when you strike up a conversation with him. Mention Flash and he’ll wonder if you’re talking about a famous Super Hero. Ask him about Facebook and he’ll think you’re referring to a book of mug shots the police use to help people identify criminals. Enquire if he’s got a Blog and he’ll be convinced you’re talking about a piece of wood that’s been cut into the shape of the letter B.

“They’re everywhere,” said Roger Makak, Asia’s most awarded advertising monkey. “You see them huddling in dark corners talking to each other about the latest print campaign. They’ll argue for hours about the size of the logo and whether art pulls should have a 2 inch or 3 inch border.”

One Printosaurus was recently overheard asking his reptilian colleague if he knew what RSS stood for. “I don’t know,” was the reply. “Really Smelly Snot?”

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